
Set Git Server On Raspberry Pi

Add your local machine’s public key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to Raspberry Pi file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Read Your IP Address After Boot


ip=$(hostname -I)
for i in {1..3};
	echo "I P address is $ip" | festival --tts
#	sleep 0.5

Set A Repo On Raspberry Pi

mkdir test.git
cd test.git
git init --bare

Clone To Local Machine

git clone ssh://git@rpi.local:17438/home/git/test.git
git remote add pi ssh://git@rpi.local:17438/home/git/test.git

After editing your repo, push it to Raspberry Pi

git add --all
git commit -m "read me"
git push pi master

Monitor Raspberry Pi Temperature

vcgencmd measure_temp

Sync Folders From Raspberry Pi To Local Folder

Add two line in ~/.ssh/config file:

Host rpi.local
Port 61734

Then, run the following command:

rsync -r git@rpi.local:/home/git/ ./